Guestbook Replies

Note from the Manager:  First I want to say - Wow!!! How in the world did I get so many hits on my counter?  <laughing>  I can't believe that that so many people like Ryan.  During Ryan's freshman year, I used to think that I was the only Ryan fan out there, and now after four years I realize how wrong I had been.  I now can see how many people really do like him.  I'm like wow!  I just want to thank you all for making this site so popular!  You guys rule!  R: )

Manager's response:
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook!  Ah, yes I know what
you mean!  I am so glad that Ryan is a true believer in God
and Jesus!  That rules!  Awesome, you've met Ryan?  You
lucky girl!  Seems to me like everyone has met him
except me hehe <giggle> R: )  Just wait, one day I
will hehe  R: )

Guest:  Christi
Nice Page! I think that it is so cool to have a player that is so
outspoken about his faith in Jesus Christ. These days we have so many
people that Thank God for things but not many of them really mean it. I
think that Ryan does and that is so cool. GOD RULES!!! Ryan is also a
really nice guy. I got to meet him at that Cagerz game here in
Washington DC. I love the Jayhawks!! Nice to see that I am not the only
one. Sometimes I wonder because even though I go to the biggest high
school in VA I am the only KU fan. It is hard to believe. Oh well. I
love them anyways. Rock Chalk Jayhawk KU!

Manager's response:
Ah yes!  Isn't it SO awesome that Ryan was drafted!  Yippie!  I don't have
cable or satellite tv so I was relying on the radio, but they stopped
broadcasting the draft too soon and so I never got to hear if Ryan was
drafted.  I was sad for a long time until my sister called me and
told me that Ryan was drafted!  I was so happy!
Thanks for the sweet comments!  Ah yes, I know what you mean.
So many of us fans are so far away from each other. . . maybe
someday we can all form a Ryan club through the internet
hehe R: )

Guest: Julia
Hey,I'd just like to congratulate the 45th pick in the NBA draft.
Ryan is in the big league now. I'd also like to thank you for this
website. It's nice to know there are people who enjoy watching Ryan and
the Jayhawks as much as I do(they just might not be in my town). Thanks
Rock Chalk Jayhawk

Manager's response:
Thanks so much for signing my guestbook!  hehe . . . don't we all
just love Ryan?  hehe. . . Though I'm really happy for him and his
fiance.  I heard that Ryan got engaged around the time that he
signed the contract with the Sacramento Kings. 
Congratulations Ryan!  R: )

Guest: Jennifer
All you gals think Ryan is yours don'tcha? Actually, I just want to
know who his girlfriend is. Let's see who was it-Nicole I think. How
did you get to see Ryan? Are you friends with him or something? And
Marie-I luv what you wrote! I need to read it more than once-it makes
me happy. E-mail me once and we can chat some. How do you know Ryan and
the guys? Well gals, maybe we'll talk some more sometime about Ryan.

Manager's response:
Hey, girl!  Thanks so much for signing my guestbook twice!  hehe. . .
You rule!!!  Ah, yes, so sad that Ryan left KU. . .I still get all sad about
it when I think of how I won't see him as much now that he's not a leader of the
team anymore. I loved that he always led KU. . . so sad that he left.  But now
we can look forward to seeing him in Sacramento!  Yippie! 

Guest: Ali
Hey everyone!! I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Ryan for
graduating today!!! AWWW its so sad....he's not gonna be at KU
anymore...Well, hopefully we'll see him in the NBA. Later!!!

Manager's response:
Thank you so much for signing my guestbook!  I totally agree - and I'll quote
you on that one!  "Ryan is one of the best looking guys out there!"
Yup!  You're right on!  I take that you have met him - you lucky
girl!  hehe . . . I could only wish!!!  R: )

Guest:  Marie
All of you girls have great taste. He is such a talented basketball
player and improved his game so much over the years. He smells great
too :) To the girl who said something about John Crider, I'm friends
with him and he has a big ego so don't let him see that! :) I played
basketball against John's high school team for his four years of
school. I tell him next time I see him to come on here and check this
page out! laters. Oh yeah, Ryan Robertson is probably one of the best
looking guys out there. Mercy....

Manager's response:
Thanks for signing my guestbook!!!
Ah yes, I totally agree with you.  I'm very happy that Ryan has
so many loyal fans!  Yay!!!  You fans rock!  R: )  Now we can see
lots more of Ryan on Sacramento. Yippie!  I defintely look forward to that!
I do have Ryan tapes on games.  You can check out the trade book!  R: )
Ah, speaking of, I'll have to update it because I got some new Ryan
stuff on video - Ryan as a little kid!  Yayah!  R: )  I'll have some pictures
of that coming when I have time to snap.  R: )

Guest: Stef
i see that my husband is very popular! isn't he adorable? i just love
when he takes those threes! and those eyes, WOW!
but all kidding aside, i'm glad ryan has a lot of loyal fans. i was
starting to think i was the only one.

i know it's been a few weeks since the jayhawks were eliminated from
the tournament but i just happened to be looking for more ryan stuff
when i stumbled across this cute website. i just wish i was able to go
to more of the links. i guess it's my computer?? anyway, i liked what i
saw and was able to find out more about my favorite jayhawk. so, do ya
think our sweetie is gonna make an nba roster? i sure hope so.

in the meantime, thanks for the website and if anyone has any ryan
games on tape, please email me at the above address (i'll be willing to
pay, too).

Manager's response:
Wow!  You and your friend are really awesome fans!  It's so
neat that you won the tickets!  I wish that I really
knew how to get tickets, but considering that I've never
even been to a basketball game, I really wouldn't know.  Sorry!
Thanks so much for signing my guestbook!  R: )

Guest: Kelly b-loving-Ryan
Hey to all you KU fans- Ryan Robertson is mine!! Now that we have that
straight,I am the biggest KU fan to walk this Earth, My friend and I
went to the big 12 tournement and yelled as loud as we couldto our
future boyfriends-Ryan/Jeff/john Crider. We are the hardest die hardeest
KU fans. We would do n-e thing for Ku tickets, once we ran naked
through an entire neighborhood to get 2 up close tickets. So if you are
interested in bargaining tickets send me some E-mail @:!!

P.S. Don't forget Ryan is mine\!!!!!!!

Manager's response:
Ah, thanks so much for signing the gustbook!  R: )  Any new pictures
would be in the picture pages so you can go there to get them okay?
Thanks for all the sweet comments!  Yay!  I love excited
Ryan fans! R: )

Guest:  Kelly
Hey! I am the worldest's biggest KU fan and Ryan Robertson fan! I love
him so much, more than anything! Thank you so much for all the great
things on your site about Ryan and Jeff Boschee! I would do anything for
KU tickets, so if you know any tricks on how to get them easily please
e-mail me now!! Please e-mail me any Ryan or Jeff pictures too! Thanks
so much for the awesome site!

PS - Ryan is mine and only mine!

Manager's response:
Ah, thank you for your sweet comment!  Hehe, yes, I have tried
to make everything on this one webpage so that Ryan fans won't
have to search all over to find the information that they want to know
about Ryan.  Thanks for signing the guestbook! R: )

Guest:  Ryan lover
i love ur page i already knew most ofthis but this is eaiser to get to
and its all about ryan!!!!!!!

Manager's response:
Thanks for signing my guestbook!  Wow!  You met Ryan?  Oh
that would be a big dream for me!  hehe  The closest that I've
gotten was him mailing me some autographed cards.  (you can
check them out in the picture pages).  Aw, you're so sweet!
Thanks for saying hi for all of us Ryan lovers!!! R: )

Guest:  Nicole
Hey! Thanks so much for making this website. I didn't know that someone
else loves Ryan as much as I do. Keep up the good work.
PS-I am going to see Ryan on Sunday, I will tell him hi for all you
Ryan lovers!!!!

Manager's response:
Ali!!!  Ah, of course I remember you!  R: )  Never could forget!!!  heehee
Thank you so much for signing my guestbook!  I'm so glad
that you liked my webpage!  And as we girlies say
"Stay Ryan-ish!"  hehe <laugh>  R: )

Guest: Ali
Hey girl!!! Remember me?? :) of course u do!!! Well, I guess I'm lucky
number 2 to sign the guestbook. Don't worry, there will definitely be
more once Ryan makes it to the pros and all the girls see that fine
lookin man!!! Just wanted to say what a great page this is, and how
happy I am to finally find one about him. Later.

Manager's response:
Britney!!!  Oh wow!  Thank you so much for coming and signing my
guestbook.  Yep, you're the first!  Aw, thank you so much - I'm
sooooooooo glad that you like the design of my webpage!  hehe
Although, I got the idea from you!  hehe . . . I love
you always!  R: )

Guest:  Your Baby Brit
Hey Sweetie! : ) Awww... no one signed your guestbook? I thought they
must have. But I'm so happy to be the first one to!!! he he! Yippie!
Okay, Sweetie, I love your webpage! The design is SOOOOO cool! And the
colors! ; ) Coolness! Love you Babe! See you later!